For now 40 years, WEGENER gathers Geoscientists wishing to cooperate on the application of geodesy to the study of the geodynamics in the Alpine–Mediterranean plate boundary.
Following a recent zoom session on the forthcoming WEGENER meeting in Marrakech (Morocco; previously planned on 25 - 29 October 2021), the LOC suggests to postpone the 20th General Assembly of WEGENER to Fall 2022. The LOC position is mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and its evolution in 2021 in Morocco and other countries. In addition, the LOC and Scientific Board also support the organization of a physical meeting in 2022 rather than virtual in 2021.
Proposed sessions include new methodology in geodetic observation and analysis, integration of of geodetic, tectonic and seismological data to better understand earthquakes and the earthquake cycle, potential fields, intracontinental deformation, volcanoes, glacier, landslide processes. Training courses in GNSS, InSAR, Active Tectonics and Modeling we be organized for students before the meeting. The WEGENER assembly will be organized under the umbrella of the new joint IAG-IASPEI subcommission 3.5 "Seismogeodesy".